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René Primevère Lesson
René Primevère Lesson
(Size: 12.31 kb)

René Primevère Lesson, a French surgeon and bird-watcher (1794-1849) discovered the Anna's Hummingbird and gave it the name of Anna in honour of Duchess Anna Massena, Duchess of Rivoli (1802-1887). She was the wife of François Victor Massena, the second Duke of Rivoli.

Anna's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird
Calypte anna
Credit: lemurdillo
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At first, the Anna's Hummingbird was only found in California. Today, it is found from Mexico to the north of British Columbia. It is believed that this evolution is linked to that of a plant, Ribes speciosum, a variety of gooseberry that flowers very early in the spring. Breeding takes places exceptionally early and the adults can cover a wide territory. The proliferation of hummingbird feeders may also explain the extension of its range.

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