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The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is the only species of hummingbird that can be seen in the eastern half of North America and the only one to nest to the east of Mississippi. During their migration, some fly 650 km above the Gulf without landing; others follow the coast. The males arrive in Canada in early May, before the females. The former are the first to establish their territories for the supply of nectar. Males leave for the South in mid-August; females and immature birds in early September.

To learn more about hummingbird migration, follow this link.

Data provided by NatureServe in collaboration with Robert Ridgely, James Zook, The Nature Conservancy - Migratory Bird Program, Conservation International - CABS, World Wildlife Fund - US, and Environment Canada - WILDSPACE. (Accessed: May 8, 2007 ).
Credit: Data provided by NatureServe in collaboration with Robert Ridgely, James Zook, The Nature Conservancy - Migratory Bird Program, Conservation International - CABS, World Wildlife Fund - US, and Environment Canada - WILDSPACE. (Accessed: May 8, 2007 ).
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